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Independent evaluation of BEMER© physical vascular regulation therapy PDF


Lower limb wounds have always been a challenge not only due to the complexity of the trauma, but also because of the nature of chronic ulceration. In wound management we can utilise the best possible first world dressings we can get our hands on, but if we do not treat the cause of chronic ulceration, we will not be able to heal the wounds completely.

The pivotal point within wound management remains wound bed preparation (WBD) and we still regard moist wound healing techniques as the cornerstone of modern wound healing. 12 WBD was first proposed in 200034,5 and is now regarded as the prerequisite for a successful outcome in wound management globally. 

The difference with this module is that we have to treat the cause first before we even try to deal with the wound bed. 

Macro-circulation is essential for life but without adequate micro-circulation we will not be able to facilitate the exchange of nutrients and waste products between the blood and surrounding tissue.

Circulatory disorders and the resulting oxygen deprivation leads to a serious shortage of adenosinetriphosphate (ATP), the universal biological energy generated at cellular level.

Improved circulation, especially an improved micro-circulation, increases the manufacture of sufficient biological energy in the form of ATP, improves cellular metabolism, provides a better supply of nutrients and removal of toxins in tissue and organs and hence results in a better functioning of the self-regulating mechanisms. This also ensures the organism’s ability to adapt and to optimise all biological processes.

It is the protein bio-synthesis which is of paramount importance for human life and health. As a reproducing process, it is highly dependent on sufficiency of oxygen supply in the oxygen-driven ATP energy production process.

As a wound management specialist working in an advanced wound management centre, our patient profile consists of patients having several pathologies such as venous insufficiency, arterial insufficiency, lymphoedema, diabetes, malignancy, immune deficiency, arthritis, pain syndrome and many others.


The purpose of this independent evaluation is to document the impact of physical vascular

BEMER therapy as a patented broad-spectrum low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field therapy on these patients’ wound healing, overall well-being and specifically their microvascular status.

By increasing cellular energy, BEMER treatment has been shown to improve cellular performance which facilitates the body’s inherent ability to self-regulate its important physiological parameters and heal itself by:

  • Improving blood circulation (micro and macro circulation) 
  • Strengthening the immune system through increased t-cell release 
  • Increase in oxygen partial pressure 
  • Improving blood viscosity 
  • Improving cell metabolism and ion pumping. 

Patient SHO001: diabetic arterial foot ulcer right maleoli

Patient CRO005: arterial foot ulcer

Patient DEA001:chronic venous leg ulcer

Patient BRI002: reynaud’s syndrome and connective tissue disorder

Patient KHA001: diabetes, severe oedema, pain and heart failure

Patient POT003: venous ulceration

Patient DEB003: burn wound diabetic patient

Patient BEY002: spider bite left hand

Link to original file:

The Specialist Forum – Downloadable PDF: BEMER-Information-Woundcare

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