You don’t need a doctor’s referral to receive physical vascular therapy.
Physical Vascular Therapy is a treatment that targets key areas of the body. It works without any chemicals or “miracle cures”. It may sound like magic, but it’s actually just physics!
Physical vascular therapy can stimulate restricted blood flow in the smallest vessels. Blood flow in the smallest vessels (microcirculation) plays an important role in many physiological processes in the body. For example, it affects rest, sleep and regeneration, as well as your physical and mental stamina.
Physical vascular therapy can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.
Proper microcirculation is vital for our health and performance. It supplies cells with oxygen and nutrients, removes waste products, transports hormones and messenger substances, and supports immune defense.
Optimal cell maintenance through microcirculation is crucial for the functionality of body cells, muscles, joints, organs, and the immune system.

Impaired microcirculation can cause a lack of energy in cells, leading to reduced performance and functional disorders. If many cells are affected, this can result in symptoms that define a disease.
For the average person from the age of 25, microcirculation has already begun to slow down, regardless of lifestyle or environmental impacts.
A sustained energy deficiency in the cells could lead to a weakening of overall physical and mental performance.
The microcirculation plays a vital role in ensuring that tissue cells receive the necessary oxygen to meet their energy demands and support the optimal functioning of organs.
Properly functioning microcirculation can significantly improve the management of existing illnesses and enhance the overall quality of life.
- Reduce anxiety & lower stress
- Minimise complications of diabetes
- Enhance female / male fertility
- Support physiotherapy rehabilitation
- Osteoporosis, Arthritis/Arthrosis pain relief
- Support rehabilitation from sport / accident injury
27% better vasomotion
29% better microcirculation
29% more oxygen extraction
31% better venular flow

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I am 67 years old. I was diagnosed 8 years ago with macular degeneration in my eyes, which has been getting worse ever since. I have 90% vision loss in my left eye and 30% in my right eye. I could not see part of the left side of the face opposite me and the left eye at all. I have regular check-ups and have not taken any medication only vitamins.
I tried vascular therapy on recommendation, and after the first 16-minute session, my vision improved spectacularly for the first time in 10 years. After the second session, my vision was back to normal. I bought the device and continued treatments at home, with ongoing improvement. My telephone number is available. Thank you very much.

I used the therapy for a month. I had pelvic bone and hip fractures. Two months ago today, I was struck by the Belgian doctors. They predicted I’d be able to walk without crutches for six months. Today I could walk 20-30 steps without crutches. I can only recommend it to everyone. Thank you very much

Hi all, I was delighted to gain the opportunity to use BeMer for a week as I am currently receiving chemotherapy. From using Bemer twice a day I noticed I would have a deep restorative sleep after each session and my circulation in my hands improved greatly. My mother who recovered from Sepsis used the Bemer mat too and found she felt energetic and great improvement in her circulation. Thank you to Norbert for providing research on Bemer and I highly recommend to others recovering from illness or wishing to improve overall health & wellbeing.
-Lisa McKenna mother of 1 Dublin

I rented the device after my heart attack and used the therapy. After 3 weeks of use I was able to get dressed with less “wheezing”. My stress test results also improved significantly.

Using Norbert’s micro vascular treatment had so many great benefits on me even after 3-4 days. It treated my hand arthritis, speeded up my metabolism and gave me such restorative sleep that I hadn’t had for a long time. Such great investment in my health. Agnes C.

We are pleased and thank you for the opportunity to rent the device.
My husband and I used it for a month.
Me because of a serious hernia, husband because of stroke and depression.
The regular treatment has been good for both of us.
My back pain has decreased, I am more mobile. My husband can now work, he is fitter and his bad mood has gone.
Based in county Kildare, Vaso Home Therapy uses technology approved by the Medical Device Regulations (EU MDR) and registered by EUDAMED – European Database on Medical Devices registration in accordance with HSE National Patient Safety Alert (NPSA) regulations.
Certified medical product – Class IIa in Europe
To maximize the benefits of this therapy, it is important to undergo multiple treatments each day. We highly recommend renting it for a minimum of four weeks to achieve optimal results. However, in the case of short-term acute pain such as a trapped nerve, light muscle strain, toothache, or earache,
we can offer a single demo therapy session for free,
which will be of benefit, in and of itself!
If your microcirculation is not functioning properly in a particular area, the exchange of substances between the blood and tissue there will be restricted. This impairs the function and performance of the affected body cells and the organ systems of which they are a part. The functional state of an organ system is thus largely determined by its microcirculation. People all over the world report positive experiences with the physical vascular therapy, including improved regeneration after sports due to the stimulation of their restricted microcirculation⁽¹⁾⁽⁶⁾⁽⁹⁾⁽¹⁰⁾, as well as a positive effect on their general wellbeing or lower back pain when used as a complementary treatment.⁽²⁾⁽⁸⁾
This therapy is an application that targets key areas in the body – it works entirely without chemicals or “miracle cures”. While this may sound like magic, it’s actually just physics!
The physical vascular therapy application is a sophisticated form of magnetic field therapy.
It uses a pulsed electromagnetic field to deliver the special, patented signal configuration into your body. This can improve restricted microcirculation, i.e., blood flow in the small and smallest blood vessels.⁽¹⁾ As a result, the Physical Vascular Therapy can support cell maintenance, i.e., the process of supplying cells with nutrients and oxygen while also removing metabolic by-products.⁽¹⁾⁽⁵⁾⁽⁶⁾ The mechanism of action of physical vascular therapy has been the subject of numerous scientific studies.
No. The application uses a pulsed low electromagnetic field (from 0 μT to 35 μT) to deliver the special patented electrical signal configuration into the body. However, this is not magnetic therapy.
Having autoimmune diseases or dermatological conditions should not deter you from using this therapy.
In fact, the physical vascular therapy aims to optimize and normalize the functioning of your immune system, rather than merely strengthening it.
Arterial and venous vasomotion depends on the amount of nitric oxide produced in the cells. Physical vascular therapy significantly increases nitric oxide levels in a natural way, without the use of any additional chemicals or substances. Nitric oxide acts as a vasodilator, which means it helps open blood vessels to improve blood flow, so microvessels can deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the organs for faster healing and recovery.
Research has shown that nitric oxide plays a role in neurotransmission, or the exchange of information between nerve cells, which helps nervous system functions such as digestion and memory. It can also stimulate the release of hormones, including growth hormone and insulin. It can also improve immunity by promoting inflammation to fight infection.
“Being a potent vasodilator, nitric oxide may be unique among therapeutic options for management of hypertension and resulting renal disease and left ventricular hypertrophy.” Source: Role of Nitric Oxide in the Cardiovascular and Renal Systems –
* What started as Innomed International AG in 1998 in a small office in Vorarlberg has developed rapidly. It is a medical technology company that manufactures products to treat restricted microcirculation. Today, Bemer Int. AG is an internationally established manufacturer of medical and veterinary products with several hundred thousand satisfied users.
The products are classified as medical products: powerful, safe and effective. Several hundred thousand satisfied users worldwide are the best possible proof of our commitment. The focus is on to supply our customers in the best possible way in accordance with the highest quality standards.
MDC: Certified quality management system in the areas of development, production, distribution, and service of stimulation devices for physical vascular therapy.
DQS: DQS-MED-certified management system in accordance with ISO 13485: 2016 (MDSAP Audit Model Edition 2). Design and development, manufacture, distribution, and service of stimulation devices for vascular physical therapy. -BRA, CND, USA (a,b,c,d).
** Study: Microvascular Dysfunction and Hyperglycemia: A Vicious Cycle With Widespread Consequences. By Houben, A.J.H.M. and C.D.A. Stehouwer (2021).
Endocrine and Metabolic Science 2: 100073 – PMID: 30135134 – DOI: 10.2337/dbi17-0044
“By approximation, the microcirculation represents 95-98% of the total circulatory system, underlining its importance in vascular physiology.“ – Link:
*** Maximum values after 30 days of physical vascular therapy treatment. Source: Prof. Dr. R. Klopp, Institute for Microcirculation, Berlin 2010. Now: Max Delbrück Center (MDC) – Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125, Berlin
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Reach out to us with your questions, comments, or to schedule an appointment or device rental – we’re here to help and look forward to connecting with you!