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My Personal Experience with Physical Vascular Therapy

Last year, I had an accident that resulted in a completely shattered ankle. The injury required two major surgeries to reattach the ankle, followed by an extensive recovery period that included months of physiotherapy. During this time, I was confined to a wheelchair, which was an eye-opening experience. I realised how little we understand about the daily challenges faced by people with mobility issues. This is a topic I plan to explore in a future blog post.

As an able-bodied person, it was enlightening to witness the struggles of navigating life in a wheelchair. It made me more aware of the need for greater societal understanding and support for individuals with additional needs. But for now, let’s return to the topic of Physical Vascular Therapy and its impact on my recovery.

During my recovery, I dealt with significant pain and inflammation, which often disrupted my sleep. Traditional pain management methods, including medication, were not always effective. I discovered Physical Vascular Therapy at the cancer support centre where I work. We had the therapy on trial to help relieve our clients’ discomfort, and I decided to try it myself.

After just one session, I noticed some relief and a better night’s sleep. Initially, I was sceptical, wondering if the improvement was merely a placebo effect. However, I was fortunate enough to borrow a therapy mattress, and the benefits became undeniable.

After a few nights of using the therapy mattress, the inflammation in my ankle decreased, and the pain that used to shoot up my leg during the night subsided. My sleep quality improved drastically, and I no longer experienced disturbed sleep. I had the use of the mattress for 5 weeks, in that time, I regained more flexibility and movement in my ankle, and it no longer felt disconnected from my body. The sensation of internal healing was palpable, as if things were knitting together inside.

I used the therapy for 20-40 minutes in the morning and an hour in the evening. The additional benefits I experienced included:

  • Increased energy
  • No headaches
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Overall peaceful feeling in my body
  • Improved sleep

Unfortunately, after returning the mattress, my symptoms returned after little under two weeks. The disrupted sleep due to ankle pain, leaving me feeling tired and less energetic.


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